About Chanel: Curvy black american BBW shemale Chanel is one of a new breed of amateur online Tgirl stars to flaunt a more natural full-bodied figure, be proud and smokingly sexual. Born in Washington D.C., these days 23-year-old Chanel lives in Suitland, Maryland, where she holds down a regular day job. Her online XXX diary, complete with frequent X-rated video shoots, is a naughty hobby that curvy Chanel can't seem to get enough of. She enjoys writing about her steamy encounters as much as shooting them. Weighing in at 190lbs, with a bountiful 34D set of hooters and a curvacious all-woman set of 40 inch hips, Chanel admits that she loooooves to eat. When she thought her figure was getting just a little too bountiful, she tried crash dieting. "I tried eating very little and I was miserable and hungry all the time. I felt like I was starving and that's a no-no. Who am I? Nicole Ritchie!" Chanel quips. So she's taken to visiting the gym to keep her figure at its Rubenesque best. In typical Chanel style, it wasn't long before she met a bodybuilder type there who was soon chewing at the bit to join in her XXX online adventures. There don't seem any shortage of other guys eager to get some of what he's getting either!
Ebony Shemale BBW Chanel At Black Tgirls
Curvy BBW Shemale Chanel Strips Naked
Curvy Black American Shemale Chanel Video |